In the second of our Feminine Principle poetry workshop series we delved deeper into the natural and wounded feminine and masculine qualities with our workshop participants.
After the group introductions we again started with the constructed poem exercise, one that offers an empowering and accessible access point into the workshop theme and a poetry mindset. This time we provided participants with articles and poems on particular qualities, such as confidence, assertiveness, unconditional love, stillness, competitiveness etc
Our second exercise was a quick group poem; participants selected a quality, drawn from a bag and had to write one sentence from the first person perspective on that quality. We then wrote them together on one paper to discover our group poem.
Our final group poem
Next we paired up the participants and gave them two words; either a natural feminine and wounded feminine/natural masculine and wounded masculine/natural feminine and natural masculine. Each word came with its etymology and we asked the pairs to discuss the origin of the words and their thoughts on these, before composing a rhyming couplet, featuring the two words.
A rhyming couplet exploring kindness and courage
For our final exercise we asked each participant to draw their spirit animal from a deck of cards and write a poem imagining themselves as the animal and what emotions or qualities, either feminine or masculine, they would imagine themselves experiencing, taking into consideration the qualities and strengths of the animal as presented in the card.
The spirit animals that the group responded to.
Thank you to everyone who attended the workshop for your full participation, considered thoughts and contributions to the group dialogue and for the wonderful poems you wrote and shared.
Our next poetry performance evening, featuring some of our workshop participants and more invited artists will be on Tuesday 25th October, from 7pm at Lights of Soho.
Our next poetry workshop will be exploring the theme of Personal Pleasure in relation to the Feminine Principle and will take place in November.